WebFor the best possible results, Cell Signaling Technology ( CST) strongly recommends using our optimized application-specific protocols for each product. These protocols are the result of extensive in-house validation performed at CST and ensure accurate and reproducible results. Product specific protocols will be linked from matching product ...
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Web说明书 Pierce®免疫共沉淀(Co-IP)试剂盒 26149 2181.6 货号 描述 26149 Pierce 免疫共沉淀(Co-IP)试剂盒,包含足够进行50 次免疫沉淀反应的试剂(每次使用 25 μL树脂固相化抗体) 试剂盒组分: 加强型AminoLink®偶联树脂,2 mL 固相树脂以50%的浆液形式提供(例如,100 μL 50% WebChIP kit ab500 provides a protocol and reagents for running ChIP assays including: - cell lysis and chromatin extraction - chromatin shearing and DNA fragment length analysis - immunoprecipitation and DNA purification. DNA produced using the kit can be analyzed using qPCR. The kit has been validated for ChIP assays with mammalian samples. easy cordon bleu dish
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WebPTMScan ® Technology employs a proprietary methodology from Cell Signaling Technology (CST) for peptide enrichment by immunoprecipitation using a specific bead-conjugated … WebPolyclonal Antibody for studying NFkB-p65. Cited in 381 publications. Validated for Western Blotting, Immunoprecipitation. Highly specific and rigorously validated in-house, NF-κB p65 Antibody (CST #3034) is ready to ship. WebChIP-IT Express试剂盒包含的试剂可进行25个ChIP反应。 剪切试剂足够用于优化剪切条件及从三个15 cm的培养板(4.5 x 10 7 个细胞)中进行5次染色质剪切制备;每次制备的 … cups from pitch perfect scene